Category: Electronics

  • How Small CPU, GPU and Chips Can be? Exploring the Limits of Chip Lithography

    How Small CPU, GPU and Chips Can be? Exploring the Limits of Chip Lithography

    In the ever-shrinking world of semiconductor manufacturing, the race to create smaller, faster, and more efficient CPUs is relentless. But how small can we go before we hit the wall of physical limitations? Let’s delve into the fascinating journey towards the theoretical limits of CPU lithography. The Current Frontier As of 2023, the semiconductor industry […]

  • How much charge can capacitor hold vs lithium ion battery?

    How much charge can capacitor hold vs lithium ion battery?

    The amount of charge that a capacitor can hold, also known as its capacitance, is typically thousands times lower compared to a lithium-ion battery.Capacitors are passive electronic components that store electrical energy in an electric field between two conducting plates. They are characterized by their capacitance, which is measured in units of farads (F). Capacitors […]